Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Drawing and Painting help children develop and learn.

Drawing improve children's coordination.
Kids start drawing using their whole arm. But by the age of four most children control a paintbrush using their wrist and fingers. And the more children draw and paint, the more refined these fine motor skills become. Later in life, these skill are the basis for learning to write or button a shirt.

Drawing gives children confidence.
As with most children's crafts, painting is more about the process and the learning than it is about the finished product. By putting children's work on display and giving them lots of encouragement, they get that boost of self-confidence that's so important for their development and growth.

Drawing trains children's concentration.
When children draw and paint, they learn to shut out surrounding distraction. Through their work they get to reveal their emotions and sort through different impressions, helping them to get a better understanding about themselves and the world around them.

Drawing helps children make friends.
Drawing together with your friends is great for practicing social skills like teamwork, negotiation and cooperation. And when children draw together it sparks them to experiment mixing different colors, which teaches them things like cause and affect.

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